Solutions With Sonya

Every Day Answers for Life and Health

Have you lost something valuable in life? Perhaps a relationship, time, money, peace, health, or joy?  Perhaps you feel as if you've lost all of the daily things to do you long to get back to the real "you". Do you feel as if you will never recover from the losses or that you should be further along than you are in life?  Do you feel as if too much has happened and that it is too late or too difficult to rebuild or start anew?
We are "Solutions With Sonya" from the company Find Your Pearls LLC. We are here to help you find the true riches you desire in life... what is most valuable to you in life. Whether that is peace, health, joy, strength, prosperity, healthy relationships, or simply learning to truly love yourself and others.

     Well, it is never too late to begin again! Let us help you find your way back to  the things in life that are most valuable to you. The things you have been looking for to make you happy, healthy, and successful. Things like health, prosperity, success, peace, joy, and the ability to have loving relationships. These are the true riches that you will receive if you are only willing to search for and find YOUR pearls! Let us  show you how...Come join the journey!
Mind image
"Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become actions. Watch your actions. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Watch your character. It becomes your destiny." -Lao Tau

The mind is where it all begins. The brain is the control center for every activity of your body including your thinking. There are many things that can affect your thinking and you have control over most of them.  In the blog section for "mind"  you will be able to find the tools to help you relax your mind, find balance, peace, and inspiration to get your through each day. Our minds can be bogged down with so many things at once, we must take time to care for our minds. If you find yourself worrying, distracted, unable to focus, losing productivity, or thinking about the same challenges over and over then you need to take a "brain break" and get your mind back to the right place. There are ways to do that whether you are at home or away from home. People that take time to set their minds on good things before leaving the house will generally have a better day. Let us teach you how. Visit our blog section for "Mind" on a regular basis for great tools and tips for your mind.
Body image
"Our bodies are the houses that we live in, it is one of our most precious pearls (assets) . Since we only get one "house", it is absolutely vital that we care for it and do what is necessary to maintain it. If something occurs that needs to be repaired it is crucial that we do so as soon as possible and in the best ways possible. It is important and to keep our bodies  in good condition just as we would do for anything else that we truly value. If you don't feel well then you won't perform well. The everyday activities such as work, school, family, and hobbies can begin to feel like chores when your body feels tired and worn down on a regular basis. You have to learn how to care for yourself in a way that will help you to keep your energy levels constant and that will help you to prevent things such as pain, stress, chronic illnesses, and premature aging. Visit our blog section for "Body" on a regular basis to get tools and tips for building a healthy body.
Spirit image
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

Your spirit is the real "you". It is the true essence of who and what your really are. You are made in the very image of God and the life you live and experience every day has so much more to it than you may realize. There are times that you may feel off balance, as if you are not in a good place with God and/or people. It is at these times that you will benefit from encouragement from the word of God to strengthen and uplift your spirit. Your spirit was breathed into your body directly from the spirit of God and the loving, creative power He possesses lives inside of you! Just like you must feed your body for energy and fuel, you must also feed your spirit for peace and wisdom. The more you feed your spirit, the better you will begin to live your life and to make good, productive decisions. Only God knows the future.  Learn to access the power and he wisdom of God by visiting the blog page for "Spirit"  on a regular basis. You will begin to gain wisdom, insight, and resources on how to find the answers to the questions you desire regarding you life, spirit, and eternal destiny. You will find peace,  calm, and lightheartedness as a result... true pearls to add to your treasure chest!


Coaching sessions for health, wellness, and management life issues such as difficulties in dating, separation/divorce, parenting advice are available by phone and by video chat Monday-Saturday by appointment only. Strict confidentiality is maintained for all sessions. For more information see our "Contact" tab to schedule your appointment. Sessions are available for males and females ages 12 and up. Minors under the age of 18 must have parental consent for sessions.

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  • P.O. Box 784 Morrow, GA 30260